The Security Guard Services Denver Relies On

Seeking out the kind of security guard services Denver area properties need is a crucial task for any owner or manager. Here at United Protective Services LLC, we provide the highest quality of comprehensive security services – designed in a carefully thought out matter that ensures a small foot print when that’s desirable, but also a highly visible presence when that is appropriate.

Our uniformed security and mobile courtesy patrols can, by their very presence, discourage possible intruders and other types of bad actors. Indeed, in the large majority of cases that presence by itself can prevent most unpleasant incidents. However, when problems do appear, the United Protective Services LLC approach is to make every attempt to deescalate the situation before a small issue becomes a big problem. Our personnel are trained and experienced individuals who are able to handle the vast majority of situations that are likely to come up.

United Protective Services LLC offers a full range of services in addition to security guard services. These include:

  • Corporate security
  • Construction site security
  • Residential security
  • Fire watch patrol
  • Courtesy patrol

You Need the Best

Whether you’re dealing with a large residential property, one or more office buildings, an entertainment complex or any type of construction, a great deal of responsibility is left on the shoulders of those responsible for its safety and security. Our team at United Protective Services LLC is known for its commitment to providing the highest level of service to our clients while protecting people and property with consistent success.

To find out more about we can do for you, please call us at 303-747-6434. You can also reach out to over the Internet through our contact page.